but here is an excerpt of it.
"My dad used to hunt a lot. Bring in deer and wild turkeys for part of our meals and so forth, and sometimes we had to go out with a shot gun and shoot into a herd or into a flock of blackbirds and have blackbird pie, if you can imagine that!
When I got old enough to work, a dollar a day was big money. At one time, after I was married, I got paid a silver dollar for a day's work that I did. I was showing it to my wife Emma and dropped it on the porch. There was a crack in the porch and it went through underneath, so we tore the whole porch down to get to that dollar. That's how rough things got. Seemed everybody was poor. I think there was one telephone in town. Two or three people had cars; everybody else gets horses, buggies, and wagons as their transportation, or you walked.
When I got old enough to work, a dollar a day was big money. At one time, after I was married, I got paid a silver dollar for a day's work that I did. I was showing it to my wife Emma and dropped it on the porch. There was a crack in the porch and it went through underneath, so we tore the whole porch down to get to that dollar. That's how rough things got. Seemed everybody was poor. I think there was one telephone in town. Two or three people had cars; everybody else gets horses, buggies, and wagons as their transportation, or you walked.
We worked eight, nine hours most of the time. We'd get big money, lot bigger than we'd get here at home, on the farms, which you'd get three-fifty a day."

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