Astronomers take virtual plunge into black hole
This article is about the advanced research on black holes. Astronomers are trying to figure out more information on them. Scientists can try to simulate a trip inside with the help of equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, which make predictions about black hole behavior.
Many people think you would be engulfed in darkness when you fall in, but that is a common misconception, Hamilton points out. The view of the outside universe would become distorted, but would not disappear.
Once you pass the horizon you would be falling faster than the speed of light toward the black hole's center -- called a singularity -- and feeling the effects, Hamilton said.
"The gravity at your feet is stronger than the gravity at your head, as long as you fall in feet first. ... You feel this difference in gravity between your feet and your head as a tidal force, which pulls you apart vertically in a process called 'spaghettification,' "
"At the same time as you are pulled apart vertically, you are crushed in the horizontal direction, like a rubber band being pulled. So if you would like to be taller and thinner, then one way to achieve that is to fall into a black hole."
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